“In the most favorable growing conditions, we obtained yields of up to 15,000 kg of stem dry matter per hectare (6,070 kg per acre). Under similar conditions, other crops such as maize, sugar beet or potato produced similar dry matter yields. All results indicate that as far its yield is concerned, fiber hemp is in no way exceptional.”
“Hemp facts and hemp fiction” Hayo M.G. van der Werf, Journal of the International Hemp Association, (1)
"The added cost of the extra drying needed for crops such as sugar cane, corn and Napier grasses make these high moisture plants an inefficient source for growing methanol. The (
“Energy Farming”, Lynn Osburn, (2)
The campaign against biofuels:
I, like many other hemp activists, am interested in the potential for hemp as a fuel source. It is one of the key reasons I have devoted my life to the re-legalization of this impressive plant. The thought of replacing easy-to-monopolize, constantly-fought-over, climate-changing, polluting petroleum with a clean, ecologically sound, cheap, renewable resource able to be grown anywhere by anyone has – with the exception of a few “cannabiphobics”, skeptics, narcs and oil barons - personal (and I suspect near universal) appeal. Thus I was dismayed to stumble across a series of recent articles on CIA watchdog Mike Ruppert's websites that attack biofuels in general as “uneconomical”. These articles claim that it takes more energy to create biofuels than one receives from the created fuel. (3) I then discovered that this is a common argument found in other books and articles. (4).
To shake my hemp-fuel confidence further, I came across an article from the International Hemp Association saying that hemp as a fuel source is “in no way exceptional.”(5)
Other arguments against biofuels are that a) there isn't enough land to both grow fuel and food with (6), and b) that ethanol isn't as efficient as gasoline, so even if ethanol is cheaper per gallon it would be more expensive per mile.
The experts:
I decided to investigate these arguments against biofuels and hemp fuels by bouncing them off people doing research in this area. I spoke with Adrian Francis Clarke of Fibre (Europe) Laboratory LTD, Don Wirtshafter of the Ohio Hempery, Tim Castleman of fuelandfiber.com, and Shaun Crew of Hemp Oil Canada.
It is important to understand that hemp provides two types of fuel; hemp biodiesel – made from the oil of the hemp seed, and hemp ethanol/methanol – made from the fermented stalk. To clarify further, ethanol is made from such things as grains, sugars, starches, waste paper & forest products, and methanol is made from woody matter. Through processes such as gasification, acid hydrolysis and enzymes, hemp can be used to make both ethanol and methanol.
I asked questions about the current prices of hemp biodeisel and hemp ethanol/methanol, and what these prices would be post cannabis relegalization. To be economically viable, these fuels would have to be cheaper than gasoline, currently priced at up to 120 cents per liter (Can.) (7) or up to 3 dollars per gallon (US) (8) Of course, petroleum prices could get much more expensive in the near future, a topic which will be covered in the third part of this article under “peak oil”.
Don Wirtshafter responded that the size of the industrial hemp industry determined how much hemp “waste” would be created, which would then dictate the price of hemp fuel. He wrote:
“Hemp oil is too valuable to burn up as fuel. It will be the waste products that become the fuels of the future. ... Because we sell the protein for a good price, the price of hemp oil drops. When I was selling the seed cake to make Hempen Ale, making the oil was almost free. Again, it is the waste stream from your primary processes that will go into power generation.”
When I asked Don about the actual price of hemp biodiesel, he replied:
“Twenty cents per gallon more than the cost of hemp oil. At this point, hemp seed oil is $15 per gallon. As we gain volume, our costs and therefore the price is dropping. Until hemp is a huge industry, it can't compete with the other huge industries. If the hemp protein powder continues to sell well, then the oil will continue to get cheaper and cheaper.”
On the topic of hemp ethanol/methanol, Don opined:
“The big change will come with green processing as is being developed by Adrian Clarke in
When I asked Adrian Clarke about the price of hemp ethanol/methanol, he replied:
“I cannot supply even a guess for the cost except to say that it must be simple and low cost for so many farmers to have done it. Ask a legal distiller what it would cost.”
Shaun Crew is a hemp seed oil expert. I asked him the hemp biodiesel question and he answered: “the price of hemp seed oil is higher than the price of corn oil at present. This may change in the years to come as acres significantly increase or yields significantly increase. Right now, hemp biodiesel could not be easily made for under $2.50 per litre.”
In Tim Castleman's article "Hemp Biomass For Energy", he wrote his observations about biodiesel too, explaining that "Some varieties are reported to yield as much as 38% oil, and a record 2,000 lbs. per acre was recorded in 1999. At this rate, 760 lbs. of oil per acre would result in about 100 allons of oil, with production costs totaling about $5.20 per gallon.(13) I asked Tim if there were any other factors that could further reduce the price per gallon. He replied: Hempseed oil is worth $30 per gallon as food. ... hemp (biodiesel) doesn't make the lineup for fuel.”
Hemp methanol, on the other hand, does make the fuel lineup. According to Tim, hemp ethanol could be produced for 1.37 per gallon plus the cost of the feedstock, with technological improvements and tax credits reducing the price another dollar or so per gallon! (14) And the cost of the feedstock would become much more available as more hemp was grown for more products, providing more and more free (or nearly-free) feedstock as a “waste product”. Could you imagine paying under 50 cents per gallon (US) or 15 cents per liter (CAN) for your hemp ethanol?!!
Fuel efficiency:
Some might argue that ethanol isn't as fuel efficient as gas – thus the dollar-per-mile ratio of hemp ethanol would make it more expensive than gas to run. Ethanol contains approx. 34% less energy per gallon than gasoline, and therefore will result in a 34% reduction in miles per gallon. (15) This problem may be overcome through designing a more efficient vehicle – recently,
Availability of waste-hemp and over-regulation Is there enough hemp around right now to provide enough waste/feedstock to replace fossil fuels? No. Will this always be the case? That depends on how successful the medical and recreational cannabis activists are in removing irrational laws around this plant. Currently, the Canadian hemp economy is under “tight controls”. (18) A minimum of 10 acres must be grown. (19) The hemp must test below 0.3% in THC. (20) The strain must be “approved”. (21) Hundreds of potentially profitable industrial strains are denied to farmers. (22) The
Breeders licenses – permitting access to the most economically rewarding element of industrial hemp farming - are difficult to obtain. One needs a science degree and 10 years experience working under an accredited breeder. (26)
“Can you provide me with an example of a false savings?” I asked.
“Well, there was that problem with USO 14 ...” Arthur responded. “... breeders were not crossing it back with it's parents.”
“But that's a fuck-up by accredited breeders.” I replied, “So certified seed doesn't necessarily mean fuck-up free seed.”
“Good point.” Responded Arthur. “It's also true that cheap common seed will help make biomass hemp fuel more economically viable.”
“Do you think that the seed growers association may be acting like an elitist club that – like doctors and lawyers – is concerned more with controlling an industry than helping clients?”
“There may be some of that in there ...”
At that point, I felt I hit upon the way the hemp industry was most unjustly over-regulated – through artificially high seed prices. Farmers cannot supply themselves with seed – they have to obtain it every year through government approved breeders. Seed is the farmer's biggest cost, varying between $6,250.00 to $16,875.00 for the average hemp farm (250 acres). For the largest hemp (3000 acres), seed costs can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Canadian hemp farmers spent somewhere between $1,250, 000 to $3,375,000.00 on seeds in 2006 (27) – an unnecessary cost ... more than a down-payment on a large hemp fuel manufacturing plant. The estimated cost of such a plant rages from $60 million for a plant that can produce 75 million liters per year (28), to $335 million, producing 1.7 billion liters per year. (29)
Banks don't invest money in hemp processing and manufacturing (30) – perhaps partly due to the red tape making hemp so artificially expensive, perhaps partly due to most of their current customers being hemp-substitute industries.
The red tape can only be justified if cannabis is considered dangerous - the moment medicinal and social hemp are re-legalized and treated like other herbs, the industrial hemp red tape will disappear. No doubt this will result in an increase in hemp seed breeders – all those considered “criminal” due to their history with breeding the drug strains will get a crack at breeding the hemp strains. Seed quality will then increase, the price will drop, and more money will stay in the pockets of farmers breeding their own seeds. Hemp products will become cheaper and more available. Farmers and cannabis cafe owners will both have capital to invest. At that point, the industrial hemp industry will be free to grow large and compete with non-renewable materials on an even playing field.
According to the 1938 Popular Mechanics article, hemp hurds “can be used to produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane”. That's just the hurds. When you factor in the fiber, the oil and the resin, the number of products hemp can produce is closer to 50,000. Almost everything that isn't glass or metal - including paper, pressed particle board, fabrics, plastics and concrete - can be made from hemp. (31) With a massive manufacturing base to reflect its massive utility, there will be plenty of hemp waste to make fuel from, driving the price down considerably.
The evil Dr. Pimental:
If the above-mentioned sources say hemp ethanol and non-hemp ethanol are so affordable, then why do so many sources claim otherwise? Apparently, the source for this other view comes from a single report from Dr. David Pimentel of
The best fuel crop?
As for the argument that hemp is not an exceptional source of cellulose, it's important to keep in mind that hemp:
1) doesn't need as much fertilizer or water as corn, switchgrass or other energy crops (33)
2) doesn't require the expensive drying required of corn and sugar cane (34),
3) can be grown where other energy crops can't (35)
4) is more resistant to “adverse fall weather” than other crops (36) and
5) has long been known to be the lowest-moisture highest-cellulose crop.
The hemp stalks being “over 75% cellulose” according to a 1929 paper from Schafer and Simmonds (37), with more conservative estimates indicating 53-74% of the bark being cellulose. (38) According to the Stanford Research Institute and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, it is woody, low-moisture herbaceous plants which make the best biomass for liquid fuels. (39) If one goes beyond simple cellulose-level comparisons and examines the cost-per-gallon with these extra cultivation and processing and transportation costs taken into account, hemp seems to be the best candidate for a fuel crop. Of course, all crops should be grown in rotation – too much of one thing is bad for the soil – but hemp seems the best crop to add to the rotation if we want to replace fossil fuels with something else in the tank.
Not enough land?
-- about 272 million hectares in pasture and about 30 million hectares for cultivated feed grains. (43) Either way, it seems there's more than enough land to grow fuel with, if we each eat five or ten fewer steaks every year. As well, urban agriculture is another option to free land up for fuel crops – for example, 6% of
Recycling food oil can also help address our energy needs.
Make your own biofuels:
The process isn't quite rocket science, but involves many steps and many choices. For diesel-powered car drivers, one must decide if one is a) using the oil just as it is -- usually called SVO fuel (straight vegetable oil); b) mixing it with kerosene (paraffin) or petroleum diesel fuel, or with biodiesel, or blend it with a solvent, or with gasoline; or c) converting it to biodiesel. For regular gas-power car drivers, there are gasification and distillation processes that could turn any plant matter into fuel. Large car companies are already producing ethanol-friendly vehicles. Some sources describe the adjustments to the engine required to convert a gas-powered car into an
ethanol-powered one as “minor”, others as “extremely complicated”. As more and more people make such adjustments, they should become easier and less costly. These methods are too detailed to explain here, but there are many good resources on the internet where you can learn to make your own biofuels. Here are just a few:
The real reason for alcohol prohibition
As an interesting aside, I learned from Adrian Clarke that alcohol prohibition may have ended at the request of the oil companies, as the illegal stills set up to provide bootleg booze were being turned into sources of fuel. Apparently, there was even hemp ethanol production!
In an email to me, Clarke wrote; “I asked an historian who was working as a senior adviser to our
I attempted to verify this information, and found out that Henry Ford originally designed his “Model A” car to run on either alcohol or gasoline, whichever was available to the driver – and that John D. Rockefeller, owner of Standard Oil (now Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, American BP and a dozen other oil companies), put 4 million dollars into alcohol prohibition.(46) After alcohol prohibition began, Ford proposed that the dead capacity of shutting down distilleries might be used to produce denatured alcohol - "a cleaner, nicer, better fuel for automobiles than gasoline". (47) Veteran hemp activist Chris Conrad writes that Ford's dream of a nation of plant-powered vehicles was “thwarted first by alcohol prohibition, then by hemp prohibition”. (48)
The plan to shut down alcohol fuel through alcohol prohibition may have backfired. The number of illegal alcohol stills increased during alcohol prohibition.(49) Thus, in a celebrated 1932 letter, subsequently printed on the front page of The New York Times, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a lifelong
teetotaler, argued against the continuation of alcohol prohibition due to the “increase in disrespect for the law”. This letter became the singular event that pushed the nation to repeal alcohol prohibition.(50) This concern of John D. Jr. may be considered suspect, for as any good Rockefeller historian will point out, the Rockefellers themselves had been known to disrespect the law from time to time.(51) Perhaps John D was really concerned that people would become less dependent on his oil if they had their own stills, and he adopted the “disrespect for the law” concern to hide the self-interested motive behind his change of opinion. And then I stumbled on this bit of information:" Fifty years ago it was a corporate alliance between DuPont (which controlled GM) and Standard Oil (now Exxon) which suppressed Henry Ford's alcohol gasoline engine and committed the continent to using lead as an additive." (52) DuPont and Standard Oil ... hmmmm
... where have I heard those names before? ...
oh yes! It was these companies that had the most to do with making hemp illegal! I began to wonder to myself if both alcohol prohibition and hemp prohibition were created by the same
corporations for the same reasons – as attempts at fuel monopolies. A close examination of the history of hemp fuels, hemp prohibition, DuPont and Standard Oil might reveal the answer.
I think that now that since oil prices are becoming extremely high ( with an exception of recent down falls in prices which cannot last too long) we wont have any other alternative but to start using hemp and other crops for bio diesel. It's only a matter of time I would love to see some justice because when that does happen oil companies and the government agencies that sanctioned them will finally be exposed. There's no reason we can't do it. Industrial Hemp may be expensive now but like everything, supply and demand will prevail and eventually we will be back down to $1/gallon. Instead of using all the excess corn that this country produces for cornstarch and putting it in all of our foods as an additive, consequently making everybody obese we can use it for bio-fuel. I'm sick of seeing this planet get fucked up when we could easily use alternate fuels. Seasons are changing and life cycles for various plants and animals are being destroyed. All of this so that oil companies and oil Barron can have there miserable profits. The free market has yet to solve worlds problems, it's about time we the people start acting in getting the government to take back the rights of this country and it's citizens. Economics and politics are far too closely bounded and in a oil-based economy given the current circumstances we are bound to fail. Conclusion: HEMP FOR BIO-DIESEL!!!!!
PS. Those that think that legalizing hemp is, "a disguised attempt for legalizing marijuana" (quote from the DEA to hemp farmers and activists during an attempt of legalization), you only show your ignorance. Given the extremely low amounts of THC (tetra-hydro-cannibinol, the active ingredient in Marijuana which produces intoxication, .3% in Hemp or less compared to 15% or more in street bought Marijuana) you would need about 10-20 full sized hemp plants to get the same effects of one gram of Marijuana. Or in the words of Ron Paul (during his race for candidacy in the GOP Republican primaries), "you would need a Hemp cigarette the size of a telephone pole to get the same effects of a single Marijuana cigarette". We can do it, yes we can!
Great description of the situation.
The only thing missing is the way they changed the Physics text books to elliminate Tesla's work. This lie is known as:
"The laws of thermodynamics"
A scientific principal that forbids scientists from thinking about energy creation processes and confined them to closed system thinking.
They actually have professors say: "You cant win and there is no way out."
Cold fusion is another great example of this.
Here is my take on the Hemp-bio-fuels.
Please post a comment describing how much money you are willing to contribute/invest. We do not have time for lengthy debates.
Saving the world
The challenge is not in growing biomass, but in efficient conversion of low-density solids to high density liquid fuels.
While methanol may be viable for on the farm use, its low energy density presents additional inefficiencies as a primary automotive fuel. You need double the storage and delivery systems, and both delivery and the end-use vehicle haul all the extra weight up every hill.
its also more toxic than gasoline, and doubling the amount you-re using means doubling leaks and spills at every step.
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Please post a comment describing how much money you are willing to contribute/invest. We do not have time for lengthy debates.
You are joking right?
“Once Plains Industrial Hemp Processing builds its new hemp fibre processing plant, it will have the capacity to process up to 18,000 metric tonnes of hemp per year,” (http://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?archive=2010-04-01&item=8100)
The above quote from a government website is about a new processing plant that is primarily for hemp fibre products, potentially leaving the seed oil available for other purposes.
Checking out a friend's biodeisel 1982 VW Westfalia, I asked him about fuel efficiency. He uses pure vegetable oil (waste product from a hotel). He said it was exactly the same as with deisel, litre per litre. When asked what would happen if he used hemp oil, he replied (with a smile), "Nothing. It would just smell different."
The ONLY thing preventing him from using hemp oil as fuel today is cost. With farmers, investors and the government all re-realizing the profitability of growing hemp, the seed oil prices will fall, as long as there are oil extractors in place alongside the fibre processors.
Hemp is the fuel of the not-too-distant future.
“Once Plains Industrial Hemp Processing builds its new hemp fibre processing plant, it will have the capacity to process up to 18,000 metric tonnes of hemp per year,” (http://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?archive=2010-04-01&item=8100)
The above quote from a government website is about a new processing plant that is primarily for hemp fibre products, potentially leaving the seed oil available for other purposes.
Checking out a friend's biodeisel 1982 VW Westfalia, I asked him about fuel efficiency. He uses pure vegetable oil (waste product from a hotel). He said it was exactly the same as with deisel, litre per litre. When asked what would happen if he used hemp oil, he replied (with a smile), "Nothing. It would just smell different."
The ONLY thing preventing him from using hemp oil as fuel today is cost. With farmers, investors and the government all re-realizing the profitability of growing hemp, the seed oil prices will fall, as long as there are oil extractors in place alongside the fibre processors.
Hemp is the fuel of the not-too-distant future.
Fields like this, as written about by Allen in his 1900 book Reign of Law, used to be commonplace in the US - and they can be again - lots of activism in place from grassroots to US Presidential candidates - and they are now working to get a petition to Obama - anyone can sign - it's up at www.minawear.com/about-us/
Also check out www.hempforvictory.blogspot.com for more info and events!
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The ONLY thing preventing him from using hemp oil as fuel today is cost. With farmers, investors and the government all re-realizing the profitability of growing hemp, the seed oil prices will fall, as long as there are oil extractors in place alongside the fibre processors.
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Dear Sir/Madam,
We are direct end seller refinery company for the supply of Petroleum products. Currently we are allocating our products on discount platts to capable buyers, we have available Jet fuel, D2 Gas oil, D6, EN590, JETA1, for capable buyer lift in Houston and Rotterdam commercial sea ports and also on CIF basis to any safe world port. Kindly Contact us via: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru for SCO.
Kind Regards.
Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovich
Email: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Skype: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Dear Sir/Madam,
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Kind Regards.
Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovich
Email: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Skype: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Dear Sir/Madam,
Contact us for the best storage and terminal facilities for your Oil products in major ports in Russia, Rotterdam and Houston. We have a reliable Tank farm company for the storage and transportation of all Oil products contact us today via: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Kind Regards.
Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovich
Email: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Skype: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Dear Sir/Madam,
Contact us for the best storage and terminal facilities for your Oil products in major ports in Russia, Rotterdam and Houston. We have a reliable Tank farm company for the storage and transportation of all Oil products contact us today via: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Kind Regards.
Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovich
Email: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Skype: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Great post and excellent written.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are direct end seller refinery company for the supply of Petroleum products. Currently we are allocating our products on discount platts to capable buyers, we have available Jet fuel, D2 Gas oil, D6, EN590, JETA1, for capable buyer lift in Houston and Rotterdam commercial sea ports and also on CIF basis to any safe world port. Kindly Contact us via: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru for SCO.
Kind Regards.
Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovich
Email: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Skype: jsc.uraloil@bk.ru
Dear Sir/Madam.
We LLC KORN OYL a legal and official mandate to various end seller refinery company that are capable to supply to any real buyers any petroleum product, We supply petroleum products. Our products are guaranteed to meet the International Standard Specifications. We have available Jet fuel, D2 Gas oil, D6, EN590, JETA1, for capable buyer lift in Houston and Rotterdam commercial sea ports and also on CIF basis to any safe world port. Kindly Contact us via: llckorn.oyl@bk.ru for SCO.
Dr. Mukhin L. Igor
Email: llckorn.oyl@bk.ru
Skype: llckorn.oyl@bk.ru
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